5 stretches to do post run.

I started to run again. Most of you probably do not know this, but I used to be an avid runner in college. I ran a ton. From 5K’s to Half Marathons, I was all in hennie. I ran as a way to cope with stress and to be honest, I mainly did it to help me lose weight.

I did not incorporate stretching or recovery sessions, I believed that this was a waste of my time. Ain’t nobody got time to stretch or do a little epsom salt bath, I rather just run another mile. Oh boy, was I wrong! My body eventually caught up with me, I started to feel a weird pinch in my low back and shooting pain through the back of my left leg (hello sciatica!). I was in constant pain, my body was so tight, and I almost snapped a hamstring.

My physical therapist recommended I give running a break and try yoga instead. I could barely walk and I needed that sweat fix, so I signed up for a HOT yoga class. Yes hennie, we sweated, we flowed, listened to hip-pop music, we felt good. The rest is history- just kidding, I will save that story for another blog post.

Anyhow, if you are like me and have taken up running during this quarantine, I recommend doing these 5 stretches after your run. Gift yourself 5 minutes to stretch it out, your body will thank you and it will help to speed up your recovery so you can get back to hitting them miles (while practicing social distancing, of course.)

  1. Runner’s lunge. From standing, step your left foot back into a lunge, lower your left knee down and place your hands inside of your right foot. Hold this pose for 5 breaths.

  2. Pyramid pose. From lunge step your left foot 1/3 of the way up (closer if you have tight hamstrings) fold over your right leg. Feel free to bend your right knee as much as you need. If your hands do not reach the ground, you can always use the support of a wall. Focus on lifting your right hip up and back and softening your left hip forward and down (aka square your hips). Hold the pose for 5 breaths.

  3. Standing forward fold. From pyramid, step your left foot forward to meet your right foot. Separate your feet hip-widths distance apart and bend your knees generously. Catch a hold of opposite elbow with opposite hand, you can sway from side to side and play with straightening your legs to your own degree. Hold for 10 breaths.

  4. Standing quad stretch. From forward fold stand up and catch a hold of your right ankle with your right hand. Hug your right heel to your right glute and soften your right knee down and in. Lengthen your spine. You can always use the support of a wall to help you with your balance. Hold for 5 breaths.

  5. Standing figure 4. From quad stretch, cross your right ankle over you left thigh and bend your left knee. Focus on stretching your outer right hip as you soften your right hip and right knee to make a 90° angle. Hold for 5 breaths

    Repeat this little sequence on your left side. Hold each pose for a minimum of 5 breaths.

Sending you tons of love,



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