on Patience…

I was asked by my lululemon family to give a mini talk on what I am practicing in my life right now. This talk was meant to inspire and welcome a conversation around how repetition of a virtue or pattern can foster mindfulness on and off the mat.

I chose to talk about patience.

According to Google, the definition of patience: “is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”

oh boy! This is a big one for me.

I am not always peaceful and present, nor patient…
I am actually very unsteady and impatient, especially when it comes to:

  • sitting in traffic

  • waiting in line at the grocery store

  • nailing a handstand

I have this tendency to always be on the go, to be so laser-focused on the end goal that I often miss the beauty that comes with getting there. Then, when I arrive to that place I’ve been manifesting, I am already thinking of what’s next.

If you are like me and suffer from impatientitis- don’t worry, you are not alone. It is in our human nature to want to live in a fast paced world and move through life on automatic pilot. But…

What if we paused from time to time?

What if we learned to enjoy the journey before we hit our destination?

What would it feel like to be more engaged in the present moment?

But how do you do that? you ask…

well for me my yoga practice is a daily reminder to slow down, to pause and honor the beauty in the transitions. Holding poses longer than usual, helps me access a state of strength and presence that keeps me in the moment. When my mind begins to race, I say to myself “everything is running right on schedule, all you need to do is breathe and enjoy the process.”

I’ve realized that being more patient gives me access to being more present. When I honor the space between no longer and not yet, I can expand my awareness to what is right in front of me. For example, when I start to get irritated while sitting in traffic, I take a few deep breaths and sit with the discomfort of not moving. This feeling usually lasts about 30 sec or so and then I am able to shift my attention to what is in front of me. Somedays I notice a new billboard, other days I lock eyes with the brave and homeless souls on the access road, most times I simply admire the beautiful Austin skyline.


We have the opportunity to connect to the present moment with every breath we take. Some days it will be easy peacy, other days it will take more effort. No matter what, know that the more you exercise your patient “muscle,” the more you can tap into an energy that is rooted in peace and presence.

Feel free to use some of my go to tips to reclaim your patience- especially when you feel like loosing your $h!t.

  1. Take slow deep breaths.

  2. Take a yoga class.

  3. Connect with nature.

  4. Meditate.

  5. Recite the following Mantra: “everything is running right on schedule.”


all my love,



5 Yoga Poses to Sleep Like a Baby


on kindess…