You are ready now…

For the longest time, I have been waiting for the right time.

For the right time to speak up.

For the right time to share my deepest fears.

For the right time to let go and be happy.

For the right time to let myself be loved.

For the right time to ask my crush out.

For the right time to own my badassary.

For the right time to share my gifts with the world.

For the right time to start a blog…

But guess what? I’m tired of waiting.

I’m fed up with all the bull$h!t excuses I can easily come up with of why I am not ready to start now.  I am surrendering my need to wait for the right time and show up anyway. I trust that whatever I need to help guide me will be revealed to me.

This waiting game is dangerous my friends. If we keep waiting until we are ready, we will be waiting forever. Take the leap of faith. You are ready NOW.

Do what you love. Say what you mean. Go on more adventures. Take more trips. Date that person. Eat that muffin. Drink that glass of wine. Live passionately. Love Fiercely. The time is NOW. Don’t hold back, just show up.

Choose to begin now, and trust that what you need is coming.

Feel free to use the following mantra to awaken the fierce and confident energy within you to assist you in this process:

I am ready now.

I am as ready as I have ever been.

I choose to being now.

I trust that the universe and divine unseen forces will align to show me the way.

Repeat for 11Xs.

You are ready now, leggo.

All my love,


10 stretches to do post spin class.